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India's Rich Catch: How Fishing Fuels the Economy

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India ranks as the world's 3rd largest fish producer

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India, a landmass with a staggering 7,500 kilometers of coastline and extensive inland water bodies

India, a landmass with a staggering 7,500 kilometers of coastline and extensive inland water bodies

India is a global leader in fishing! Fish provides a critical source of protein for over 600 million Indians

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The fisheries sector employs over 14 million people in India

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The country rakes in over $6 billion annually by exporting fish and fishery products

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the fishing industry plays a critical role in alleviating food shortages and combating malnutrition.

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fishing is not just an economic activity in India but a way of life intertwined with the cultural fabric of coastal communities.

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India is taking action by promoting responsible fishing practices and aquaculture (fish farming) to ensure a sustainable future for its fisheries sector.

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